How To Run a Sale or Promotion on eBay

I get this question from time to time in the comments of my videos so I thought I'd put this together to help sellers who want to run a percentage off sale on eBay. 

People also ask what the strategy is regarding why I run an ongoing 50% off sale on my store and I have addressed that question here.

It's important to know that you need an eBay store subscription in order to qualify for this function. The store options can be found here.

Here's how to run a sale/promotion for your eBay store:

1) In your Seller Hub, under the Marketing tab, click 'Promotions'

2) On the Manage Promotions page look to the far right, click the blue 'Create a Promotion' tab, and then choose 'Sale Event + Markdown'.

3) Choose the type of discount you want to run - either a percentage off, or a set dollar amount off per item. We will choose the percentage off option. Look to the bottom right side of this page and click the blue 'Select Items' button.

4) You now have two options to choose from. You can choose 'Select Items (up to 500) or you can choose Create Rules Using Categories. We will choose Create Rules Using Categories.

5) You should now be on the Create a Sale Event page. Open up the menu and select 'All Inventory'.

6) Once you've selected All Inventory you should see the option to 'save and review' on the bottom right hand side of the page. Click that option.

7) Here you can review your options, schedule your sale and run it. When everything looks good - click Launch.

That's it! Hopefully that gives you an easy visual into how to run a promotion or a sale on eBay if you have a store. 


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